Our Staff
The Forest Lake staff is made up of experienced camp managers and workers who are dedicated to ministry and passionate about helping others grow in their faith.
Shawn Ott
Camp Manager
Teresa Ott
Program Director
Kitchen Manager

Shawn and Teresa have been married for 18 years. They have 2 sons; Daniel (17) and Matthew (15). Shawn has been the camp manager and Teresa has been the kitchen manager since October 2016. Shawn pastors at Cedar Community Church where they attend. That is when they are not out visiting churches talking about camp and meeting their amazing supporters. Both Shawn and Teresa grew up in broken homes which has given them a real passion and calling to minister to youth. They feel incredibly blessed to have a job they love and get to work together.
Their sons, Daniel and Matthew, get to see ministry in action and be part of it, which has been a great learning experience for them. Shawn loves to hunt and trap and generally all outdoor activities and spending time with family. Teresa enjoys cooking, baking, reading, walking through the beautiful camp, and spending time with family. Daniel enjoys hunting, fishing, and trapping. Matthew enjoys mushroom hunting, squirrel and deer hunting, bass fishing, and trapping.

Klaire DeVos
Head Cabin Leader
First Aid
Klaire DeVos has been working as a counselor and lifeguard at Forest Lake since 2015. During the school year, she works as a Middle School Choir Director in Ames, IA. She loves singing and spending time outdoors with her two dogs, Rose and Bodhi. Camping is one of her passions , so it's no surprise that she loves working at Forest Lake!
Samuel Rueck

Samuel Rueck has been working at the camp for 3 years. He lives in Warsaw, Indiana and works in lawn care. He enjoys hunting, fishing, and making things out of wood, metal and leather. Camp is one of his favorite places to work.